Tuesday Evening Oasis Encounter (April 2025)

Starting: April 22nd, 2025

8-Week Schedule

Week 1

Introductions & Overview

22nd Apr

Week 2

Self Care & Parental Presence

29th Apr

Week 3


6th May

Week 4


13th May

Week 5

Siblings & Supporters

20th May



27th May

Week 6

Accommodating Behaviours

3rd Jun

Week 7


10th Jun

Week 8

Announcements & Sit In

17th Jun

To sign up for this course, please complete a referral using the form linked below. Our triage team will then give you a call and book you onto one of our upcoming Encounter group courses.

If you've already referred into our services before, simply email us at ParentandCarerteam@oasisuk.org with the Encounter course you would like to attend.

Please note: Due to the course's fast pace, late enrolment is not allowed after week two. If you miss a session, catch-up options may be available, depending on staff availability.